Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hello and Welcome to Kaila London! This is a new venture for me and I am excited to be here and I hope those who follow me will be too.

I am a quilter among a list of other things I love to do. I created this blog to show items I like to create, as well as work on. My hope is to encourage those who are interested, the sky is the limit to your creativity.

When I started quilting, I took as many classes possible, learned the correct way, and eventually found that traditional quilting was wonderful, but would think to myself "Those darn points are working my nerves!" Needless to say I have tons of quilts that I made that are traditional until I realized I could do what I wanted (staying within a top, batting, and backing sandwich guideline) I didn't care if my points weren't straight! Thus the world of non-traditional contemporary or whatever else you want to call it quilting.

.....and the rest is history! So I encourage you too, to do what you want as long as the end results are the same, a quilt, an art quilt, a bed quilt, or whatever quilt project! LOL

One thing I have realized, either you are traditional or your not! Just do you!

Happy quilting and creativity! T

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