Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Project of the Day

It's a chilly 34 degrees right now and talk about trying to stay warm. After purchasing my X-Mas tree over the Thanksgiving Holiday I have seen something amazing happening. Tree limbs are growing...too funny! This little tree is drinking about an inch or two of water daily, but I love it!

Now to what I have been up to today. I spent last evening designing a quilt top and worked on the mock or small version today to see if I was going to like it. I had some hand-dyed fat quarters hanging around, not many color choices except green as a main color and put together this sample. I sort of like the way it turned out and didn't think the colors were all that great but for a sample I can't complain. I look forward to making a lap or twin and get it posted soon.

I am off to finish a quilt for a deadline so off I go. Have a good one! T

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oh X-Mas Tree! Oh X-mas Tree!

OK, while I was out of town for Thanksgiving (a couple hours away) I found a tree farm. I decided to try a real tree this year to see how it works out. By the time I got there it was sort of late in the evening and kind of chilly, but I really had fun and enjoyed picking out one. For those who have never picked a tree, at this particular farm you pick the tree, they cut it down for you, shake it for bugs and dead leaves and stuff, then cut the base off even. I think I will maybe try one of those Fraser Firs next year cause I am not really smelling the pine in this one. But it's all good, I am loving the look and I get the satisfaction of knowing I picked it out (with the help of a little friend). I did get a hayride around the farm. The owner must have thought I was crazy when I told him the tree needed to go into my little Civic and to put that 6ft tree into my trunk! Can you believe it fit with the seat down....sky is the limit with this car I tell ya!

Now I need some gifts under it, off to make some! Enjoy!

Happy Crafting T

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I was listening to a radio show the other day and they were talking about the difference between JOY and FUN in a context that related to relationships. That got me to thinking about how that relates to the things that I love to do. For instance FUN by definition is "what provides amusement and enjoyment" and JOY by definition is "a state of happiness or felicity". I mention all of this to say this, when one loves what they do I believe you will find JOY in creating, making, or doing what you love. I believe anyone who is serious about their craft or art will go through this phase from FUN to JOY.

To be honest, I have been having FUN for years honing my many different crafts, trying to decide what I liked and disliked. I have so many ideas going on in my head I find it hard to move ahead sometimes because the decision process of getting to JOY gets in the way 75% of the time if that makes any sense at all. It's terrible. LOL. I must admit, there is JOY in quilting and designing, now if I didn't have to make all these darn decisions that last 25% would be cinch!

Keep Crafting and hopefully you will go for FUN to JOY soon as well! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.....Just one more to go!

Later T

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Simple is sometimes better!

I get this quilting bug from my mother, but it came much much later in life. She prefers to hand quilt and all this new technology is just off the charts for her so she tends to stick to simplification. Her latest was a hand quilted quilt for my niece and I think it turned out just lovely. Go Mom! I sure she will love it.


So what have I been up to lately?.....

I thought I'd just show you what the design process looks like, literally a pencil, paper, eraser, and some colored pencils for vision because I am a visionary. I am currently working on a new design and although I know there are all these wonderful gadgets out on the market to make my job so much easier, I still love the process of doing it myself and playing with color. ENJOY!

Happy Crafting! T

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Back from the Atlanta Quilt Show

....and can you say AMAZING QUILTS, although it seemed like there were less vendors this year, the Quilts that were in this show were the best I have seen in a long while. I seen all genres from hand quilted, appliqued, hand painted, to wool. Every quilt in the show was of top quality perfection. Here are some of my favorites.

Alfred Hitchcock and his Birds-WOW!

A Blackbird Design-Wonderful, I love their designs and this lady was right on with her craftsmanship! Loved it!

A Kaila London Design-Of Course (LOL)

This is one unique quilt, this quilt was very heavily quilted, but what makes it so unique is the details. She quilted all sorts of animals in the borders and in various places, the colors were bright, vibrant and this was a really nicely done quilt. Well deserved ribbon. Go Lady! Loved it! Sorry I didn't get the name to shout out.

Now for my goodies I picked up at the show. Laura Wasilowski was the key note speaker at this event and I got her to autograph my DVD along with picking up some of her hand-dyed threads to add to the rest of my stuff. What a funny, happy lady who just being in her space radiates inspiration and positiveness-is that a word? LOL

Acronym definition Time.....

Can you guess these?

11. C U L8R-see you later
12. IMHO-in my humble opinion
13. IMO-in my opinion
14. IRL-in real life
15. IYKWIM-if you know what I mean

IMO Now go be creative! Signing off T

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall is in the air!

From this....

To this! LOL

I love the fall season. How the trees change right in front of you and it's like magic. I kid you not, as soon as the weatherman said Fall will begin next Tuesday, October 12th at 10pm at night, that is just what happened. Of course I am exaggerating about the date and time but it seemed like it just happened over night like that.

Now the answers to the acronyms! Did you get them right?
1. BRB-Be right back
2. BTW-By the way
3. OMG-Oh my gosh
4. ROTF-Rolling on the floor
5. ROTFL-Rolling on the floor laughing
6. ROTFLOL-Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
7. THX-thanks
8. WWW-World wide web
9. LOL-Laughing out loud
10. PPL-????

Can you guess these?
11. C U L8R
12. IMHO
13. IMO
14. IRL


I can show you my finished quilt now. No blue ribbons here, but the enjoyment of having it entered and people enjoying my work was well worth the time and effort. ENJOY T

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Never to old to learn!

(Side Bar Ramblings)
Don't you just love water, there is nothing like the calming soothing affects it has on the way one feels.....to live near or on a bed of water somewhere, anywhere lord would be appreciated! Sorry, got side tracked when I came across a picture I took and thought I'd share, now back to the post!

I thought I was doing great with the little acronyms I did know in this big old WWW (LOL), but after reading this wonderful book I purchased this weekend, I was way behind. Let's see if you can figure out some of these and I will start fairly simple at first with the ones I do know.

1. BRB
2. BTW
3. OMG
7. THX
8. WWW
9. LOL
10. PPL-????

.....and please, if there is someone out there in blog world that can tell me what PPL is, I would greatly appreciate it. I have a friend who always tells me that and I am too ashamed to ask what the heck does that mean? I think the P is for people, for the life of me can't figure out the rest. HELP MY FELLOW BLOGGERS!

Be back tomorrow with the answers! T

Friday, October 1, 2010


Don't you just hate being on edge when you enter a juried show? Wellllll....good news on the horizon and I guess hard work does pay off! The reason I have been missing in action is because I have been working to get my quilt into the Georgia Quilt Expo Show this month here in Atlanta and waiting to get a yes or no is so nerve racking and you feel like you are on pins and needles the whole time. I got the email, and it was a BIG yes! Congrats you have been chosen! Can you say excited?

Off to work on the next one, deadline approaching really soon. Have a good one, now go be creative! T

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The list goes on.....

I am on this crusade to get things to a finished state. I am bound and determined to get things done, stay focused and just do it! Ok, if you read the last posting, I have elected to go to my yarn shop and quilt shop to get me motivated to get something done IE projects, UFO's whatever you must call it. It's working I tell ya! You should try it, however it is easy getting caught up with the hipe of the family stories the ladies' tell...and lord they are too funny sometimes, but your there for help, fun, and motivation.

I just started one of the arms. I can't wait to get this done to see what it will look like...I am loving it so far.

....and actually finished two baby quilts. This one and the other is a donation quilt.

Well off to finish something else, time is of the essence....later!
Happy Quilting and Knitting, T

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sooo Close.....

Have you ever worked on a project and you thought you'd never see the end? Well, on top of all the other projects I multitask daily I am bound and determined to finish my sweater before the fall weather heads in. I am almost there and I can see the end is very near, but not there yet.

So I have made a decision, in order to get some projects done (those dreadful UFOs, lord!) I would participate at my local quilt shop stitch-ins, yarn shop stitch-ins to get some of this stuff done, and while I am doing it, it accomplishes three things. 1.) The opportunity to socialize and make new friends. 2.) To finish those darn unfinished projects. 3.)Pick up tips and tricks of the trade. What I have found is, you find the inspiration to finish your items, plus see what others are doing that gives you the motivation to finish your items.

It's working!

Have a good day-Happy Crafting

Signing off T

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fabric Dyeing Anyone?

Yesterday I had fun dyeing fabric, or should I say batiking. I must say it is a very messy process, but the end results are wonderful. I did find a better way of dealing with this wax, so guess what I did? The directions instruct you to simmer the fabric in a big pot, and then run warm or cool water over the fabric, in turn what happens is the wax gets stiff on the fabric and you should be able to rub the wax off with your hands into crumbles. What a messy process I tell ya! So instead, because it is so darn hot here I took those fabric pieces out to my backyard laid them out on the grass, wax and all and took a plastic broom to it! LOL I started sweeping the wax off like I was sweeping a floor and do you not know it worked like a charm! Yes, it did. I had beautiful waxless (Is that a word? I just made it one!)fabric. I threw it into the wash like normal procedures and there you go. So the lesson learned here is.....just sweep it off with a clean broom, the end results are the same! I never do conventional stuff anyways!

Happy Quilting T

Monday, August 2, 2010

Go Vermont! Small but mighty....

Hmmm....let's see what I can make from this big ball?

Boy it has been a busy summer this year! Between family coming and going out of town, me working on quilt deadlines and somewhere in between I need to get x-mas wish lists shoved in there somewhere. I am sure some can relate.

I would like to tell you about my adventure to Vermont, known for it's Maple sugar and flavored Cheeses. It was my first trip and I learned a lot about this little state. First let me tell you it was the only state that I have been in where at any given 10 to 40 minute drive you are crossing the border into Mass., Conn., New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York and back again it was great! Everyday was and adventure and I couldn't tell you what state we were in from day to day. We visited the Old Yankee Candle Co, Clark's Trading Post in the mountains where they stash black bears and I learned if you bride them with scoops of ice cream they will they perform for you, and if you brush them you can spin their fiber into gloves and yarn.....true story I have to picture to prove it! I got to visit the Dorr Mill Store (chatted with the ladies about wool and such) and various yarn shops around the area. The most exciting was the visit to Green Mountain Spinnery Mill where they showed us exactly how they make organic yarn from local sheep farmers. Awesome, this experience I will never forget. This state is totally supported by it's farmers, produce, and locals....this is a good thing! I have never seen such support. You go into a store, you are sure to see nothing but Vermont grown stuff! They are small but mighty! Go Vermont!

Clark's Trading Post
Black Bear Fiber used for hats and mittens! Didn't I tell you?

Local Quilter made this quilt.

All that ice cream has made me tired in this heat!

Yarn Spun by Locals

Well I am out to finish my project for a September deadline, I must get better at this blogging...promise! Later T

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Isn't It Funny How People Come.........

I went to my guild meeting this past Monday and a nice man by the name of Ben Hollingsworth-bHollyArt, Art Quilter and fabric dyer amoung other things was there to present his work to our guild. What wonderful quilt examples and techniques he had to show.

Isn't it funny how people come into your life unexpectedly and without even knowing he helped me, he answered some simple questions I had regarding some techniques that I can now apply to my own work. This is what I enjoy, people who don't mind spreading the knowledge, this is what karma is all about. Even though he was modest, he was a wealth of information and who knows how many other women he sparked in my guild to get thier creative bug burning! Please believe you will be blessed Ben.

I would love to talk about my quilt banner. Some may wonder if I made the quilt behind it, the answer is yes, the top was completely painted with fabric paints, and then free motioned quilted. It was my first attempt to test the waters, I really loved the way it came out. Since I love primitives, I had to incorporate that theme some sort of way in a quilt. It looks much better in person.

Heres a sneak peak at another one I started.

....and my fish! It was actually embellished with beads, how fun!

Enjoy! Happy Quilting T

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Found Treasure....

I went on an adventure this past weekend to a local flea market in the area and found these two quilts hidden at the bottom of a basket under a table. The man who sold them to me said that his mother made them, not sure of the date and they were just sitting around and he decided to sale them at the market. He told me his kids didn't have an interest in the heirlooms or the value of such items so he decided to sale them. I guess both are about 50"x50" a nice size for a lap quilt. Guess how much he gave them to me for? Guess! Guess! $10 each, yes, and they are both hand quilted from beginning to the end. A little tattered, but I love them both.

I once bought an very old quilt from an antique market and it was really torn, I figured at the cheap price I got it for I could chop it up and make something from it. Well, I threw that thing into the washer and made it worse of course, batting was all over the place, but not that bad. I folded the quilt up and then one day I was kind of chilly and decided since I hadn't made anything with it yet I would just throw it over me.......Well that quilt was the warmest thing I have ever been under! No kidding. It is warmer then some of the ones I have made that are modern. Needless to say, it is the ugliest thing, just simple 4 patch squares of various fabrics and my mother talks bad about my quilt until she got under it one day as well. LOL That quilt stays at the edge of my bed protected with love. I my point here is, never under estimate the beauty of an ugly duckling. LOL

Have a great day T

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stitches Midwest 2010

Ok, one of my guild members sends me this email about a conference that will be in town and that I really should go. Anything with quilting, fiber, textiles or yarn you can count me in. Soooo, this conference finally gets here, mom and I set out for our adventure and I was totally stunned at how many vendors there were anddddddd how many I knew and didn't even know it! I was in yarn and pattern heaven, literally. All the gorgeous designs stitched in all that lovely yarn. My only regret was that I didn't go all three days! LOL Apparently this was the second year here in Atlanta and they will be back next year. I found some wonderful pattern books and other goodies. So if you are in the area next year and you are a fiber addict, be sure to check it out you will love it. You can best believe I will be there.


Almost done with the wall quilt. I just have one more side to bind then it can go onto the wall then on to the next UFO.

Note to self: When working with Pebbles, relax, breath,and sew! It's almost completed. I have it all marked up with blue water soluble pen right now, but when I get done it will look....gorge-e-muss!

Happy Crafting T

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cotton in the dryer? Yep!

It was a wonderful day for dyeing. The sun was bright, still a bit chilly, but all the same it was sunny which can put anyone in a good mood.

I love to play around with dyeing and wanted to try my hand at yet another technique. I actually got a more consistent color dyeing the yarn in cups in small amounts of 120 yard lenghs. I just hate the wait...it drives me crazy because I want to see the end results. But I patiently waited, just walk away, just walk away I had to tell myself. Two hours later and many rinses later.... I had the colors in the yarn, now I had to wait for this stuff to dry! Are you kidding me, LORD! More waiting? OK, I couldn't wait any longer and just had to see what this stuff was going to look like dry....I threw all that cotton in the dryer! LOL....yep, right into the dryer! LOL It came out fluffy and wonderful! I spun that yarn around my yarn winder and it was perfect.

So what do you think? Hope you like it.

Happy Crafting! T

The Sewing Expo Update is in....

I had a blast this weekend. The Expo was packed with tons of ladies buying lots and lots of items. Of course I ran into about four of my guild members enjoying the Expo as well. There was a small wall section of "invitation" only quilters and the only one I recognized was Laura Wasiloski. She is well known for her fusing quilts. The others quilts were nice and a breath of inspiration as well. I would have pictures but was threatened not to take them from all the signs around.

Back to the booths....on a quest to see what new sewing machines there were, I stopped in all the major ones at the show. They all were mainly selling their embroidery machines, geez! I only need a basic! But, what I did find interesting was this serger by Baby Lock. It was awesome. For those who have dinosaurs, and I am talking back in the late 80's possibly, the darn thing is a pain to thread the two bottom threads the whole nine yards. This one I looked at, you stick the two bottom threads into two separate holes each and push this lever and BAM! your bottom needles are threaded by a force of air. It was amazing! I was like "I have to have one", then she told me the cost was $799 and that was the show special....I was floored. My dream crushed and stomped on right there in the Baby lock booth! Oh well so much for a dream! I observed slow booths and some were busier then ever. My favorite booth to venture every time I visit is the Vogue Fabrics booth. They always have an array of high quality fabrics for great prices as well as discounted quilting books, threads, patterns and other items. They always have a good quality Linen, so of course I had to get some more for my collection as wel as purchased some wool roving.

Hopefully those who travel from a far and near enjoyed their time this past weekend and look forward to seeing you next year! Signing out T

Thursday, March 11, 2010

SOOOoooo Excited!

For those who live in the greater Atlanta area, this weekend is the Sewing & Quilt Expo March 11-13th and you guessed it, I will be front and center this weekend. I think it is an addiction for those who love to sew. There will be vendors galore and I can't wait to see the new items that are available for sewers this year. I really would love to get a (yet another!)sewing machine, and I keep threatening my Janome which is just a basic machine I use for sewing simple things that I am going to get rid of him if he doesn't stop eating the edges of my fabric. But then he stops and starts behaving like he should. Some of the machines that I have seen are really out of my price range, but I guess it is what you want to do with your machine that counts. I also think it is really what you make of your machine. I just haven't justified having to buy a embroidery machine that costs in the thousands of dollar range. But I have seen wonderful stuff out there. Again, it's what you want to do with it.

Well I am off to be productive and hope you are doing the same. Stay posted, I will have pictures of my adventures this weekend.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Holy Smokes....SNOW!!!

OK, just the other day I was looking at my plants trying to pop through the ground and yesterday we go 5 inches of snow in the greater Atlanta area! So to commemorate this occasion I made me a goofy looking snow man and took some pictures to show you how much we got. Signing off T

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Signs of Spring.....

I did a walk of my property today. Amazingly I see some of my Lillies popping through letting me know they are ready to come out. Not just yet, the weather man has been threatening us with snow for the past 3 weeks and I am still waiting. The most we've gotten was a few drops before melting to the ground. I grew up around snow most of my life and I sometimes miss it. I was much younger when I was around it, then my bones could take it. Since living in the south, I don't miss the cold at all.

Heres are what they will look like when fully grown, this picture is from last year.

Ok, now an update on what I have been up too! I have been multitasking. Here is my wholecloth almost finished....and my hand dyed quilt. Enjoy! T