Hmmm....let's see what I can make from this big ball?
Boy it has been a busy summer this year! Between family coming and going out of town, me working on quilt deadlines and somewhere in between I need to get x-mas wish lists shoved in there somewhere. I am sure some can relate.
I would like to tell you about my adventure to Vermont, known for it's Maple sugar and flavored Cheeses. It was my first trip and I learned a lot about this little state. First let me tell you it was the only state that I have been in where at any given 10 to 40 minute drive you are crossing the border into Mass., Conn., New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York and back again it was great! Everyday was and adventure and I couldn't tell you what state we were in from day to day. We visited the Old Yankee Candle Co, Clark's Trading Post in the mountains where they stash black bears and I learned if you bride them with scoops of ice cream they will they perform for you, and if you brush them you can spin their fiber into gloves and yarn.....true story I have to picture to prove it! I got to visit the Dorr Mill Store (chatted with the ladies about wool and such) and various yarn shops around the area. The most exciting was the visit to Green Mountain Spinnery Mill where they showed us exactly how they make organic yarn from local sheep farmers. Awesome, this experience I will never forget. This state is totally supported by it's farmers, produce, and locals....this is a good thing! I have never seen such support. You go into a store, you are sure to see nothing but Vermont grown stuff! They are small but mighty! Go Vermont!
Clark's Trading Post
Black Bear Fiber used for hats and mittens! Didn't I tell you?
Local Quilter made this quilt.
All that ice cream has made me tired in this heat!
Yarn Spun by Locals
Well I am out to finish my project for a September deadline, I must get better at this blogging...promise! Later T
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