Alfred Hitchcock and his Birds-WOW!
A Blackbird Design-Wonderful, I love their designs and this lady was right on with her craftsmanship! Loved it!
A Kaila London Design-Of Course (LOL)
This is one unique quilt, this quilt was very heavily quilted, but what makes it so unique is the details. She quilted all sorts of animals in the borders and in various places, the colors were bright, vibrant and this was a really nicely done quilt. Well deserved ribbon. Go Lady! Loved it! Sorry I didn't get the name to shout out.
Now for my goodies I picked up at the show. Laura Wasilowski was the key note speaker at this event and I got her to autograph my DVD along with picking up some of her hand-dyed threads to add to the rest of my stuff. What a funny, happy lady who just being in her space radiates inspiration and positiveness-is that a word? LOL
Acronym definition Time.....
Can you guess these?
11. C U L8R-see you later
12. IMHO-in my humble opinion
13. IMO-in my opinion
14. IRL-in real life
15. IYKWIM-if you know what I mean
IMO Now go be creative! Signing off T
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