It's now 8:30pm, the baking has started!
Take a peek under, this is where I placed the hickory chips.
Made holes in the foil and sprayed with oil.
Seasonings with chopped onions for flavor.
A clearer view of the hickory chips.
My Recipe
Ok check this out, while watching Drive ins, Diners, & Dives (I think that is the order)I was watching this diner where this lady makes sandwiches and one was a turkey sandwich. So it wasn't what she had on the sandwich it was the way she cooked the turkey. It was smoked in one of those industrial HUGE ovens. Well I got this brilliant Ideal that I could do that with my oven....or try anyway! So I went off to try my adventure.
I preheated the oven to 225 degrees, injected the turkey with an injection of what ever I had on hand, chopped some onions and stuffed them into the cavity. Soaked some hickey chips and placed those in the bottom of the pan with a screen on top for the turkey placement. Then, after injections everywhere, I rubbed my delicate turkey with some more seasonings and set it on top of the foil placed on top of my hickey chips. I poked small holes in the foil so that the hickory chips can smoke my turkey with least that is what I am hoping happens anyways! LOL This is the catcher...this thing needs to cook/smoke on 225 degrees for 16 long hours. If this bird isn't done in 16 hours and falling off the bones, consider this a failure and back to square one! LOL
I will update you when this turkey is finally 16 hours! See ya then. T
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