Have you ever had one do those days where you are just plucking away on a project and needed a break and just so happen to look out the window and see a bright red fire engine outside your front door pulling out a hose? What the....! Was exactly my reaction when I seen it. "I am not on fire at least I don't think I am?" One house down from me had caught on fire and my next door neighbors back yard caught it and mine was next! Holy smokes, literally.
Ok, this is the problem I have with this whole situation. No ones wants a house or anything on fire and the way they make these houses so close to each other everyone in the darn cultesac would have gotten touched as well. Do you think it would be a common courtesy to tell your neighbor or even make them aware your on fire and that maybe, just maybe you need to get out or be aware that fire is coming? Welllll, this post is about being thankful I didn't catch the big red flame and everyone is ok. So I would just like to thank my next door neighbor for being thankful his house didn't catch the big red flame and only his backyard and some of his siding melted!
Thank you for letting me be aware by method via telephathy brain waves! If it weren't for you I would have never got up to look out the window. That was too close for me, so I am thankful no one was injured or hurt.
Have a good day, I will now. T
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