Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thankful Today!

Have you ever had one do those days where you are just plucking away on a project and needed a break and just so happen to look out the window and see a bright red fire engine outside your front door pulling out a hose? What the....! Was exactly my reaction when I seen it. "I am not on fire at least I don't think I am?" One house down from me had caught on fire and my next door neighbors back yard caught it and mine was next! Holy smokes, literally.

Ok, this is the problem I have with this whole situation. No ones wants a house or anything on fire and the way they make these houses so close to each other everyone in the darn cultesac would have gotten touched as well. Do you think it would be a common courtesy to tell your neighbor or even make them aware your on fire and that maybe, just maybe you need to get out or be aware that fire is coming? Welllll, this post is about being thankful I didn't catch the big red flame and everyone is ok. So I would just like to thank my next door neighbor for being thankful his house didn't catch the big red flame and only his backyard and some of his siding melted!

Thank you for letting me be aware by method via telephathy brain waves! If it weren't for you I would have never got up to look out the window. That was too close for me, so I am thankful no one was injured or hurt.

Have a good day, I will now. T

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Multi Tasking today!

A little birdie put bug in my ear this past weekend that I couldn't get out of my head (LOL-that really sounded weird didn't it?) and I decided to take them up on it. So I started working on yet another quilt and thought I'd share the process again with you. I made a post last month or so regarding the design process which is a completely manual one for me. I love the process of plugging in colors with my pencils and being able to change the colors if needed. I have had applique on the brain for a while now and played around with a flower design that was pretty simple, nothing elaborate, moved some things around and applied it to fabric. So far I am liking what I see. What do you think? Any suggestions?

I thought I'd show you what I had on my design wall. Small wall quilts, waiting to have binding sewn down. Enjoy! T

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


and it looks great! Just as I promised, here is how the mock version turned out and I am pleasantly pleased with the results. The larger version will be in different colors and now that I see the smaller one, I know the bigger version will be as great.

I am still waiting for the results of my entry from December(2010)and can't wait to post and share the results. I must say the design was not what I would normally make in a quilt but the results turned out to be fun, cheerful, and playful. I can tell you the bright colors I used will wake the dead and there is some embroidery and of course thread play in it and that is all I will say for now. Ok, ok, I did show some of my fellow quilters here locally at one of my clubs. Guilty! But, whether it's a go or not I love it all the same.

Is it Spring yet? Geez! I am not complaining by far, but we got about 6 to 7 inches of snow where I live last week and the city shut completely down...imagine that! Then like that it was gone. The kids have to make up days off from school, people didn't get paid for work.....can you say a HOT MESS?... or maybe a blessing in disguise?

Take care T

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Finally Here!

I think it's just amazing to even been in this decade, and to see it! I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and ready to start the year refreshed? I must say I did get a lot of stuff off my list last month and hopefully I can get more marked off as these weeks go by. Well, I just wanted to give a shout out to my quilters and fellow crafters and let us make this year a productive one.

Take Care T!