I was interested in when our local farmers market was going to be starting for gp and I was given the name of an organic farmer, check this out, right around the corner from me about 10 minutes away. So, I decide to go visit. Now, I by any means have nothing against organic, but just something intrigued me about going to this place. When I get there, by looking and driving by, who would have known this place was a type of farm? So I met the lady of the house, she opens these big containers....full of baby chickens! What the! WOW!! Then takes me on a tour of her place with all sorts of organic goodies right. Next, to the back yard....can you say three acres worth of raised beds of veggies and off to the side...you guessed it, more chickens! LOL Roasters and Ducks! Holy cow! I was tickled pink. Then she pointed to a black chicken, goes into the coop and brings out two eggs that were just laid and they were still warm and one was GREEN! Yes, green. That black chicken lays green eggs. The first thing I thought was green eggs and ham. LOL Well, I must admit this was an adventure for me and I loved it! To support the cause, I bought some fresh organic eggs and will be back for another visit!
The odd ball, is the pastel green egg!