I was listening to a radio show the other day and they were talking about the difference between JOY and FUN in a context that related to relationships. That got me to thinking about how that relates to the things that I love to do. For instance FUN by definition is "what provides amusement and enjoyment" and JOY by definition is "a state of happiness or felicity". I mention all of this to say this, when one loves what they do I believe you will find JOY in creating, making, or doing what you love. I believe anyone who is serious about their craft or art will go through this phase from FUN to JOY.
To be honest, I have been having FUN for years honing my many different crafts, trying to decide what I liked and disliked. I have so many ideas going on in my head I find it hard to move ahead sometimes because the decision process of getting to JOY gets in the way 75% of the time if that makes any sense at all. It's terrible. LOL. I must admit, there is JOY in quilting and designing, now if I didn't have to make all these darn decisions that last 25% would be cinch!
Keep Crafting and hopefully you will go for FUN to JOY soon as well! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.....Just one more to go!
Later T