It was a wonderful day for dyeing. The sun was bright, still a bit chilly, but all the same it was sunny which can put anyone in a good mood.
I love to play around with dyeing and wanted to try my hand at yet another technique. I actually got a more consistent color dyeing the yarn in cups in small amounts of 120 yard lenghs. I just hate the drives me crazy because I want to see the end results. But I patiently waited, just walk away, just walk away I had to tell myself. Two hours later and many rinses later.... I had the colors in the yarn, now I had to wait for this stuff to dry! Are you kidding me, LORD! More waiting? OK, I couldn't wait any longer and just had to see what this stuff was going to look like dry....I threw all that cotton in the dryer! LOL....yep, right into the dryer! LOL It came out fluffy and wonderful! I spun that yarn around my yarn winder and it was perfect.
So what do you think? Hope you like it.
Happy Crafting! T